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average potential中文是什么意思

用"average potential"造句"average potential"怎么读"average potential" in a sentence


  • 平均势


  • A two - cylinder model for saal incorporating bem simulations is proposed , which introduces a factor concerning the geometric parameters of the levitator into the expressions for the time - averaged potential u , acoustic radiation force f , and restoring force constant ki , respectively , and builds up the relationship between the levitation capabilities and the geometric parameters of a single - axis acoustic levitator
    建立了单轴式声悬浮的优化设计理论模型,采用边界元方法求解入射声场,在表征声悬浮性能的时间平均势u 、声辐射力f _ i和回复力常数_ i的表达式中分别引入了一个涉及悬浮器几何参数的因子。
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